Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Warm sun

I sit all day and stare out my windows in the office, watching a small portion of the world pass by. Sometimes the sky is dark,
gray clouds loom over head,
the trees seem to sag with the weight of the world on there limbs.
It's amazing from my windows what I see, the same cars speeding by day after day, the same sounds in the sky, airplanes and jets above.
Today I walked outside for just a moment, and the warm sun poured down.
Almost making me feel rejuvenated.
Also calling me to say there for hours instead of at my desk.
The warm golden sun.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

4 months

It has been a long and slow 4 months since I last posted something here.
Nothing really new has happened.
I am still a receptionist,
still in school,
still a mom,
still struggling with daily chores.
I still have a pile of clothes on top of the dryer, and
the floors need to be moped.
Somethings never change.

Friday, November 27, 2009


My moods have been very wild the last couple of day.
I do not know what is going on.
But I just want to spend countless hours writing everything down.
Today, I have been cleaning my bedroom.
The one room in the house that is used the most but only for sleep.
I have the window open,
I love the sounds I hear.
Boys laughing.
Steve laughing
leaves crunching
Birds chirping
Dogs playing
I love the sounds of the world around me.
Especially when it is peaceful.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things;

I love This song.
" Rain drops on rose and whiskers on kittens,
Bright cooper kettles and warm woolen mittens."

I was thinking of this today. And I thought of my favorite things:
Warm fires
My boys
Baby toes
A good book
and a warm blanket.
I love to bake goodies and feed my family and friends.
I love good music, music with feeling.
I Love the holidays and the memories of yesterday.
These are a few of my favorite things.
I know I could go on and on.

My friends remember the good stuff.
Cherish the memories.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I take 2 steps forward, and 2 steps back.

You remember that song don't you?
By Paula Abdul.
No, I am not talking about the "Opposites Attract" part. Just the motions.
Right now I am at one of those cross roads. Though my journey in school really has just begun.
I find that I am at a place where if I do not step back, I would be hurting myself and my goal.
Its not really where I want to be, but it is where I am at.
I am going to have to repeat some of the classes that I have just taken.
Now to get to the simple part, but the one that makes me swallow my pride. I am going to have to Audit a class ASL 2 and repeat ASL 3. I lost something along the way. And to make sure I get it right. I have to repeat steps 2 and 3.
Though my heart is sad and my pride is hurt. I know that it is the right move for me.
In the long run for everyone. I look at the goal, the bigger picture. And though it is slowing becoming bigger. Sometimes it has to look a little smaller as well.

Friday, October 16, 2009


I love working, I miss my children.
I love fall, it reminds me of snuggling with my Granny.
Fall and winter are the times I miss her the most. I miss her house, and all the delicious smells that wafted from her walls. I remember stepping into the doorways and getting slammed with these sweet smells of the holidays. What was so amazing to me was that all the weekends that the family would be together were her holidays. It wasn't just Christmas or Thanksgiving that were important to her. I miss her perfume, and her screaming at us not to twirl the chairs. I miss her kicking up out of the kitchen because there was not enough room for all the kids to be in there. I miss listening to her LOUD music at dawn when she would want us up to get ready for church. I miss playing with her finger nails during the church service and her bring marshmallows for us to snack on( the quiet snack).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The first true day of fall.

Today is the first official day of Fall.
And what a day it is, a cold front came through and dropped the temperature way down.
It has been comfortable, but now it is cool. It will be this way for a couple of days.
Sweatshirts here I come.
I have been in the mood to just sit and write a lot.
But when I think about what I want to write.
I am blank.
I use to write all the time. Now there is nothing.
It bothers me.
Maybe it is why I don't get to read much either.
I just never seem to have enough time to sit and enjoy.
Well, there are a lot of other things going on in this head of mine.
But how to get the words out just are not there.
I will try again next time.